Variety Published FilmNation Special Feature
September 04, 2019We are incredibly excited to share a very special Variety feature profiling FilmNation and our CEO/Founder Glen Basner. The piece is now running both online and in print for the magazine’s TIFF issue.
Link to full article here
"Basner has also seized upon a simple but effective creative strategy for making movies. Don’t bore people. 'Movies have to be entertaining,' he says. 'That doesn’t mean they have to be light and fun and breezy. They can be serious and sad. But you have to deliver an emotional experience that satisfies people, and if you don’t do that, you’re done.'
Now, FilmNation is taking an approach that’s served it well in the features business and applying it to other mediums. Two years ago, as part of a larger diversification strategy, the company branched into theater, television and podcasting. And though it’s early days, the moves appear to be paying off."